Wind Gusts /kt
Wind Gusts /kt
Wind mean /kt
Wind mean /kt
Present Weather ww / N total
Present Weather ww / N total
Europe RADAR Copmposite
Europe RADAR Copmposite
MSLP Analysis (NOT @OBS Time)
MSLP Analysis (NOT @OBS Time)
Visibility /km
Visibility /km
Ceiling hft GND
Ceiling hft GND
Precipitation mm/1hr
Precipitation mm/1hr
Temperature T2m
Temperature T2m
Temperature T5cm
Temperature T5cm
T pseudopot
T pseudopot
MSL Pressure
MSL Pressure
MSLP Tendency
MSLP Tendency
T min 2m
T min 2m
T min 5cm
T min 5cm
T max
T max
Precipitation mm/6hrs
Precipitation mm/6hrs
Precipitation mm/12hrs
Precipitation mm/12hrs
Precipitation mm/24hrs
Precipitation mm/24hrs
Total Snowdepth/cm
Total Snowdepth/cm
Data Availability Europe
Data Availability Europe
Station Names Europe
Station Names Europe
DWD Radar Composite Germany
DWD Radar Composite Germany
EUR Radar Composite Europe
EUR Radar Composite Europe
MSLP Analysis (NOT @OBS Time)
MSLP Analysis (NOT @OBS Time)
End of Loop
End of Loop