Present Weather ww / N total
Present Weather ww / N total
Visibility /km
Visibility /km
Ceiling hft GND
Ceiling hft GND
Wind Gusts /kt
Wind Gusts /kt
Wind mean /kt
Wind mean /kt
Temperature T2m
Temperature T2m
Temperature T5cm
Temperature T5cm
MSL Pressure
MSL Pressure
MSLP Tendency
MSLP Tendency
Precipitation mm/1hr
Precipitation mm/1hr
T max
T max
Precipitation mm/6hrs
Precipitation mm/6hrs
Precipitation mm/12hrs
Precipitation mm/12hrs
Precipitation mm/24hrs
Precipitation mm/24hrs
Total Snowdepth/cm
Total Snowdepth/cm
Data Availability Germany
Data Availability Germany
DWD Radar Composite Germany
DWD Radar Composite Germany
EUR Radar Composite Europe
EUR Radar Composite Europe
MSLP Analysis (NOT @OBS Time)
MSLP Analysis (NOT @OBS Time)
Station Names GAFOR Area
Station Names GAFOR Area
End of Loop
End of Loop