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E.N. Lorenz
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  HarbourCity University

Marine Meteorology 2023 Q&A

Marine Meteorology 2023 Q&A ChatGPT

 A Marine Meteorology Lecture Bernd Richter
 1 Marine Meteorology Overview
 2'Global Circulation
 3 Basic  Parameters 
 4 Thermodynamic Diagrams
 5 Cyclogenesis
 6 Other Lows/Highs
 7 Small-scale Processes
 8 Grosswetterlage
 9 Tropical Storms
10 NWP Prediction  CCE
11 Remote Sensing  CCB
12 Sea and Swell  
13 Ocean Currents 
14 Climatology    
15 Klausur/Test 2018/19
16 Marine Meteorology Questions

Links to Marine Meteorology

 B Tutorial Youtube Videos
 1 UKMET Basic Parameters
 2 UKMET Global Circulation
 3 UKMET Synoptic Meteorology
 4 UKMET Small Scale Phenomena
 5 UKMET Weather Forecasting
 6 UKMET Sky and Clouds
 7 UKMET Significant Weather etal
 8 OTHER Oceanography
 9 OTHER Stefan Becker Meteorology

 C Websites (no Videos)
 1 Learn about Weather UKMET
 2 scijinks NOAA Meteorology
 3 El Niño/La Niña NOAA
 4 El Niño/La Niña NOAA climate
 5 Polar Vortex    NOAA weather
 6 Meteorology Univ Arizona
 7 Stratusdeck by Richard Barton
 8 Dynamic Meteorology U-M
 9 Dynamic Meteorology Full Set
10 Global Circulation GCSE Level

 D UKMET Basic Parameters
 1 Winter Solstice
 2 Equinox
 3 Summer Solstice
 4 Gas Laws 1
 5 Gas Laws 2
 6 Air Pressure explained
 7 Coriolis Effect in action
 8 What causes Wind to blow
 9 Air Temperature
10 What is Humidity?
11 Layers of the Atmosphere
12 Temperature Inversions
13 UV Ultraviolet Radiation

 E UKMET Global Circulation
 1 Global Circulation 1 Heating
 2 Global Circulation 2 The Cells
 3 Global Circulation 3 Coriolis
 4 Jetstream
 5 What is a Monsoon
 6 Polar Lows
 7 Polar Vortex
 8 Sudden Stratospheric Warming
 9 Blocking High
10 Hurricane Typhoon Cyclone
11 Indian Ocean Dipole
12 Pacific Decadal Oszillation
13 El Nino
14 What is the Gulf Stream?
15 Atlantic Multidecadal Oszill

 F UKMET Synoptic Meteorology
 1 Invention of Isobars
 2 Synoptic Weather Charts
 3 Weather Fronts
 4 Waving Weather Front
 5 Air Masses
 6 What is a Weather Bomb
 7 How are tornadoes formed?
 8 Tornado Alley
 9 Enhanced Fuijta Scale

 G UKMET Small Scale Phenomena
 1 What is a Convergence Line?
 2 Peninsular Convergence?
 3 Sea Breeze
 4 What is a Squall Line?
 5 Storm Surges

 H UKMET  Weather  Forecasting
 1 L.F. Richardson Forecasting
 2 Chaos Theory
 3 Weather  Forecast Uncertainty
 4 Shipping Forecast
 5 Shipping Fcst How is it made?

 I UKMET Sky and Clouds
 1 Why is the Sky blue?
 2 Rainbows
 3 Unusual Rainbows
 4 Full Circle Rainbows, Virga..
 5 Cloud Spotting Guide
 6 Learn to name the Clouds
 7 Stability and Clouds
 8 What are Rotors?

 J UKMET Significant Weather et al
 1 What is fog?
 2 Foggy around bonfire night?
 3 Raindrop Size Comparison
 4 Different Types of Rain
 5 What is Blood Rain?
 6 How does Lightning form?
 7 Incredible Lightning Types
 8 Different Types of Frost
 9 How does snow form?
10 Facts about snow
11 Snow, Sleet and Freezing rain
12 Weird Weather Phenomena
13 World's Extreme Temperatures
14 Record breaking weather
15 Amazing Satellite Images 2018
16 Climate Change Guide
17 Aeronauts:Man behind the Movie

 K OTHER Oceanography
 1 Thermohaline Circulation
 2 Western Intensification
 3 Surface Currents Ekman Spiral
 4 Conveyor Belt and Gulfstream
 5 Ocean Gyres
 6 Ocean Gyres
 7 Ocean Gyres and rubber ducks
 8 Ocean Gyres and garbage
 9 Langmuir Circulation

 L Stefan Becker Meteorology
 1 a Solar Energy b The Seasons
 2 Atmosphere
 3 Solar Radiation
 4 Temperature
 5 Air Pressure and Wind
 6 Clobal Circulation
 7 Upper Air Cyclogenesis
 8 Wind Systems
 9 Water in the Atmosphere
10 Thermodynamics
11 Stability
12 Clouds
13 Precipitation
14 Air Masses
15 Midlatitude Cyclones
16 Thunderstorms
17 Tornadoes
18 Hurricanes
19 Weather Forecasting
20 El Nino
21 Climate Change
22 Air Pollution
23 Bioclimatology

Lewis F.Richardson Edward N.Lorenz et al

 1 Richardson Wikipedia
 2 Richardson Essay 2016 Süddeutsche Zeitung
 3 Richardson's Dream by Peter Lynch
 4 Richardson's Forecast Factory
 5 Charney et al Vorticity Equation Tellus 1950
 6 Lorenz Wikipedia
 7 Lorenz Chaos Theory Video
 8 Lorenz Energy Cycle Wikipedia
 9 Lorenz Energy Cycle 1954
10 Lorenz Energy & NWP 1960
11 Holton Dynamic Meteorology 2004
12 Pettersen 2001 Weathering the Storm
13 Glahn 1940 Census
14 Glahn 1972 Use of MOS in Objective Weather Forecasting
15 Glahn 1982 Statistical Weather Forecasting
16 Glahn 2015 Symposium
17 Glahn 2023 Portrait by NWS

  Professores emeriti

Prof. Heinz Fortak 1926
 1 Curriculum Vitae
 3 Erlebte Geschichte FU Berlin
 4 List of Publications
 5 Atmosphärische Skalen
 6 1968 Filteranalyse Atmosphärischer Energetik
 7 1970 Symposium on Air Pollution Control
 8 1973 Grenzen der Deterministik in der Vorhersagbarkeit
 9 2004 Material Derivatives of Higher Dimension
10 2019 Allgemeine 4d Kontinuum Physik

Prof. Hartmut Grassl 1937
 1 Graßls Woche

Prof. Hans Hinzpeter 1921-1999
 1 Vita
 2 Interview


 1 Aktuelle Position
 2 Fahrtplanung
 3 Fahrtberichte by date
 4 Wochenbericht
 5 Polarstern Blog
 6 YT Polarstern Tour
 7 YT Polarstern Mosaic Tromso
 8 GvNeumayer Blog
 9 Andere ANT Stationen

  Poland Pommerania: Photos Geography

 1 Topographical Maps

 2 Photos Neuendorf
 3 Photos Neuendorf-2

  DWD Scientific and Private

 1 Knüpffer 1995 DWD-Projekt
 2 Knüpffer 1996 Aspects of MOS Systems
 3 Knüpffer 1997 AUTO-TAF AUTO-GAFOR
 4 Knüpffer 1998 Statistical Forecast and Customer
 5 Knüpffer 1999 ECAM 99 Kurz

 6 Richter 15.12.1989 Ost/West (.wmv)
 7 Richter 19.12.1989 Erklärung dazu
 8 Richter 27.01.2017 DWD Abschied Kachelmann (.mp4 1.4GB!)

 9 Zugspitze Wetterwarte Chronik
10 Hamburg Radar Geschichte
11 Pan Am History (314159)

13 vhg masi_v h bernd_v h beide
14 Perso

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